A Love Letter From Slave Daphne to Her Collar

I received this from slave Daphne recently.
It filled my heart completely.
I found it to be so beautiful that I decided to share it with the world.

(in slave Daphne’s own words, unedited)

My collar, my most treasured gift. How to describe what you are and what you mean to me? I think it only appropriate to write you this love letter for the reason that my love for you reflects my love for Him.

Although you come in many shapes and sizes, your significance to me stays the same. Almost three years now you have graced my neck with your presence. We have come a long way in this journey together and each day I am deeply grateful to have you. Every time I look in the mirror and see you resting upon my clavicle, I am reminded of Him and of the sweet truth that I am owned by Him.

To unknowing eyes, you are but a pretty necklace or a decoration. But to those who are informed, you are so much more. Those who know of your true nature know that you are a symbol that I am His property. His slave. My mind, body and soul are His.

Through you I express my love and my devotion for Him. You are the silent promise I make to Him that I will strive to become my best self, to become humble and remain kind hearted always. You are the gentle reminder to be grateful for His love, direction and guidance. For there is no other Master like Him, no other Master whom I would rather serve. He has been the brightest light in my life, the kindest heart I have ever encountered and the most romantic soul I will ever meet.

My collar, I am thankful for your slight weight around my neck. It means that He has chosen me to be His slave, a blessing sought by many and given to me exclusively. For that I am deeply humbled and promise to love Him and worship Him the way He deserves for as long as I am able.

My collar, I hope that you stay with me for many years to come and may this beautiful union continue for longer.

– slave Daphne

9 Comments Posted

  1. ich liebe diese worte, als erfahrene Submissive!

    I love these words, as an experienced Submissive!)

  2. Beautiful, touching words. A reflection of the love, honour, respect , protection, caring you show Daphne. Thank you for sharing

  3. What a beautiful letter, it warms my heart.
    I had the privilege of seeing your interaction together during the Edge Play workshop yesterday afternoon at KinkFest and it was truly lovely to witness. Thank you.

  4. That almost brought me to tears. The love and devotion the two of you have warms me. For I love him dearly, yours dear is very different than mine on many levels. I been his for so long, i think at times he’s bored with me.

  5. This is so heart warming, I have finally found mine. I couldn’t be happier, I don’t have the collar just yet but I have been given a token of such quality and I cherish it. You have make an inspiring letter, for those who are still very new to this world. So thank you.

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