Successful High Heel Training – Crow Academy Style

Certainly “High Heel Training” is a very real element of many Styles of D/s. At The Crow Academy we have taught numerous submissives who ere unfamiliar with walking – and even dancing – in high heels how to do so with excellent results. Whether you are the Submissive who wants to wear High Heels to please your Dominant, or you are the Dominant who wants to know how to teach your Submissive to wear and enjoy High Heels, the following lesson is how we “High Heel Train” at The Crow Academy….



Shop around and find a good starting pair of High Heels. We recommend 4″ minimum if you have no experience at all. If you do have some High Heel (spike heel or stiletto) experience then you can use this method with 4.5″ to 5” heels. Although they tend to be higher, 6 inch exotic dancer heels by Pleaser and / or Elle that have a single-piece plastic bottom, tend to be quite stable as well, as the angle of the heel isn’t very dramatic due to the large platform under the ball of the foot. Exotic dancers around the world do crazy things in these Pleaser / Elle style spike heels every day – but honestly you DO need to stand in them before buying them and confirm at least basic stability for your particular body and foot. They make a great beginner to intermediate shoe and they always look very sexy. Fyi, these Pleaser / Elle style 6” heels are slave Daphne’s favorite kind of heels.

We do NOT recommend a “thick” nor “chunky” heel as that will not nearly have the same effect towards being able to walk in and enjoy proper spike heels. Thick & Chunky heels (sounds like salsa, aye?) rapidly become a crutch against developing the ability to walk in proper spike heels. This does NOT mean you need an absolute pencil-thin heel for your first pair, but rather that the heel should genuinely be “spike-ish” even if on your Starting Pair the heel has the thickness of, say, a finger for example. Look for a spiked-style heel that you feel makes a good starter pair. Absolutely wear them in the shop before you buy them and make sure you get the sense that you will be able to enjoy them moving forward, at least for modest durations.


Here’s where the fun begins. Take your new pair of high heels home, close all the curtains so no one is watching, put the heels on, place a good chair in the middle of the floor, Put On Your Favorite Dance Music, and while you hold onto the back of the chair let your body start moving and swaying (dancing) to the music. The chair is there to completely stabilize you and make this a fearless process. Eventually, when you feel like you can actually do some fairly balanced foot-to-foot shifting of your weight while you enjoy the music, you can let go of the back of the chair. This will actually happen pretty fast in the scheme of things.


What you are working up to is – no joke – being able to do all of the above without any chair, while you enjoy dancing in complete and utter privacy. If you think you look like a goof…. Who Cares? No one can see you, so as the saying goes, “Dance like no one is watching”…. because they aren’t! 🙂


The reason we so highly recommend this method of high heel training is because when a person Dances, they start to use far more than just the usual “walking muscles.” The constantly shifting weight-vectors on the foot when you dance (e.g. lateral, side-to-side, etc) will not only make your normal walking muscles get used to the heel and get stronger in the high-hell position, but you will also – because of the numerous odd movement angles in Dancing – strengthen and even “wake up” the Assistor Muscles in your ankle, lower leg, and foot.

“What are Assistor Muscles?” you ask. Every Major Muscle group in your body can get strengthened and grow noticeably – Pecs, Quads, etc. What is not talked about unless you are in the gym and often have a trainer to explain this to you, is that surrounding every Major Muscle group (e.g. pectorals, glutes, etc) are heaps of MINOR muscles that are responsible for the Fine-Movement-Control that does not necessarily involve pure strength. These Minor Muscle groups, aka “Assistor Muscles,” are what make for True Stability. Think of them like the “Trim” feature on an airplane which is made from very small adjustments to lesser aspects of the airplane wing to give the smoothest and fastest possible flight.

Your Assistor Muscles are your friend, and most people only develop Assistor Muscles on areas they use commonly in an unusual, non-pedestrian manner. Athletes who excel at given sport have developed far greater stability and even supportive strength in Assistor Muscles used specifically in that sport. So in a manner of speaking, becoming perfectly stable in High Heels is the “sport” we are talking about here. Calf exercises are also recommended if you workout, as a strong calf is helpful for lasting longer in heels. Balancing exercises (e.g. balancing on a BOSU half-ball in the gym) are also recommended to further help build up the necessary Assistor Muscles.


When you can happily dance around your private home to your favorite music you will definitely have started developing the Assistor Muscles needed for High Heels. If you need to grab onto a wall or piece of furniture just do it – no one is watching. 🙂 Next comes walking around your home in your heels, doing indoor chores, making a meal, etc – again while no one is watching – and stopping as you need to rest your feet, lean against a wall, etc, until you can get up and continue. A good rule of thumb is that if you can spend two hours in high heels around your home actively doing things or dancing (with short rests allowed), then you are well on your way. 🙂


Next comes longevity. The advantage of Dancing as an prime element in High Heel Training is that it’s FUN. You are probably going to get a minor endorphin release because you are enjoying yourself. 🙂 This in turn makes it easier to stay in the heels for an extended amount of time.

Next….Ready? Go Out. Yep, when you can dance / walk / do chores around your house in high heels, then it’s time to take it to the street… or more importantly to the Dance Floor. Even if you only put on the heels right before you go inside your given dance venue, and then dance inside the club, the most important thing is to enjoy yourself. If you need to sit down and take a break now and then that’s fine. Only push yourself in the beginning for as long as you can keep having fun and maintain stability. Might be 2 hours, might be 1 hour, might be all night if it’s really going well. 🙂

(It also goes without saying that things which can negatively affect your balance – like excessive alcohol – should be avoided on nights in the dance club when you are still High Heel Training.)


Final step: Walking around on a normal day or night. Wear the heels on a dinner & movie date night. Wear them to a dinner party. Wear heels to the grocery store when you have the confidence. If you want to become one of those people who is extremely comfortable in high heels, it absolutely comes down to two things:

— The more you wear them (even in short spurts) the more you strengthen those Assistor Muscles which are CRITICAL for Stability and hence enjoyment.
Practice Makes Perfect.  

A note on POSTURE while you walk:
One of the markers of walking WELL in High Heels is that it should NOT affect your posture. By the time you reach Step #7 above, you should be able to stand tall with good posture. Your walking pace should be a normal cadence, and while walking you should not need to keep your knees bent all the time. In fact, if you find yourself walking in heels with your knees always slightly bent, go back to Steps 2-5 until you do not need to do that anymore. Of course this does not pertain to dancing where your knees will often bend. This note pertains only to simply walking around.

And just remember: All good TV & Movie femme fatale super-spies can also FIGHT in high heels. Pamela Anderson even turned her 6″ heel into a kind of ninja throwing-star / shuriken in the movie “Barb Wire.” Pita Wilson from the TV show “La Femme Nikita” had her taking down one bad guy after another in spike heels. The 10 minute cameo of Ana De Armas in “No Time To Die” had her high-kicking the bad guys like Bruce Lee, all while wearing spike heels and an evening dress. LOL 😀
FYI…. Just Kidding! 😀 I am not recommending you fight in high heels. But it’s fun to use as a taunt to a submissive who whines about wearing high heels…. “Don’t you want to be an ass-kicker like La Femme Nikita?” 😉

Seriously though, the more you wear them the easier it becomes to enjoy them. It is also worth taking the time to find High Heels that you genuinely enjoy – the fit, the look, the way they make you feel sexy. You do NOT have to break the bank. If you really want the $600 Louboutins or $800 Jimmy Choos and you can afford them, then go for it. But, for example, in Los Angeles there is a fantastic shopping street in Downtown L.A. called “Santee Alley” where slave Daphne obtained numerous incredibly sexy pairs of heels for under $50…. and even as low as $10! One pair of $10 ankle boots from Santee Alley required reinforcement at a shoe repair shop for an additional $15 and they became one of her favorite pairs to wear out and about for hours.

Enjoy…. and remember to Dance Like No One Is Watching. 🙂

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